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9 Tips for Corporate Relocation

Posted on: June 24th, 2022



Whether you are an employer deploying your talent overseas, or looking to advance your career in a new country, corporate relocation can be a daunting process. Not only do you have to move an entire family’s belongings, you have to fully transition into a new culture and government as quickly and seamlessly as possible to begin work.


To avoid expensive and potentially dangerous mistakes, follow our top 10 tips for corporate relocation:


Plan your Global Move Ahead of Time

Relocation take place well before a single box is packed. Depending on the size of the move, it may be necessary to schedule a multi-stage move, leaving the country with your essentials first, and receiving the rest of your belongings by shipment.



Compare Relocation Services

Global mobility providers are not all created equal. It’s important to shop around the find the corporate relocation service that will provide you with the most value. Ask for quotes, prospective timelines, and additional services to determine who can offer what you need for the best price.


Prepare Travel Documents

If you’re leaving the country, it goes without saying that you’ll need a passport. Be sure to also acquire any necessary visas or other travel documents you will need to enter and return from the country you are moving to.


Learn The Lingo

If you are moving to a foreign country that speaks a different language than your own, it helps to familiarize the language before you arrive. While this is often less necessary for English speakers, it never hurts to know how to read and speak basic questions and signifiers like right/left, north/south, etc. You can pick up the rest later. 



Seek Shelter

While you don’t have to sign a lease right away, you will want to find a place to stay before you arrive. Many corporate relocation companies will arrange temporary housing for you while you seek more permanent lodgings.



Cultural Integration

Along the same lines as learning the language, but possibly even more important, is familiarizing yourself with the customs and culture in your new home. Anything from dietary restrictions to educational standards can have a large impact on your family, which can only be mitigated by preparing ahead.



Get Your Shots

When moving to humid regions such as Africa, India, or South America, you may be advised to receive vaccinations for certain native diseases. However, even if you don’t need shots, you should take along any of your prescription (or even over the counter) medication that may not be available in your new country. Familiarize yourself with their hospital procedures, medical billing/insurance, and emergency care before you leave home.



Tax Deduction and Relocation Assistance

Whether you are starting a new job or moving within the same company, you are probably eligible for relocation assistance in the form of time off, mobility services, housing accommodation, and more. Plus, any of your own expenses from the move are likely to be tax deductible. Discuss both with your employer.


Research Schools

If you have kids, you want to ensure that they receive the education and socialization they need in their new home. That means selecting an international school and enrolling them for class well before the move to ensure that their transition is as easy possible.