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How To Select A Global Mobility Company

Posted on: June 29th, 2022


In today’s international business climate, global talent mobility is on the rise. Global mobility can be instrumental both for talent development as well as penetrating new markets around the world. Employees looking to advance their careers, skills, and experience can find great opportunities with international talent deployment programs, which can help your company attract and retain the top performers in your industry.


Of course, simply implementing a corporate global mobility program is easier said than done. From human, animal, and material transportation to cost of living analysis and cultural integration, talent deployment is a complex process with many moving parts that need to be coordinated with great care.


When selecting a global mobility company, you want someone who can provide at least the following value-adding measures:


Personalized Solutions  

Many global mobility companies claim to offer personalized solutions, when in fact they only feature a very narrow range of services with a few transportation providers. An ideal global mobility company will work with a range of real estate, household goods, and third party providers around the world and allow you to customize your mobility packages to meet compliance and cost benchmarks.



Cost Savings and Growth

By optimizing and streamlining the transportation process through the top international service providers, your global mobility company should provide tangible cost-saving measures that are competitive with industry standards. But global mobility is not just about saving money, it’s also about making money. The best global mobility companies will pay for themselves by helping attract, cultivate, and retain the talent that makes your business thrive.



Cultural Training and Consulting

How do you ensure your employees’ success and happiness from a thousand miles away? The best global mobility companies will provide extensive cultural training to integrate talent into their new home, from language courses and social grooming to customized real-estate services and cost-of-living analysis. Your global mobility provider can help your employees’ children integrate into their school, and even help their spouses reignite their career (if necessary). By going this extra mile, you can be assured that your employees will transition smoothly into their new life as an expatriate.


Lasting Relationships

Your global mobility company is a partner in the expansion of your business, and your investment in your talent. You want a partner who understands your industry: how it works, what you need, and who you are. Due to the fast growth of the global mobility industry, many mobility experts leap from position to position and company to company. When selecting the global mobility company for you, make sure that you can trust that the people you are working with will be working with you for a long time to come.